Saturday 6 November 2010

Jacob's Ladder - Round 2

I went up to the Peaks again today. I was going to try a new route (I have just purchase the "Dark Peak Trails" book) but in the end decided it was easier just to stick to one I had already done so did the Hayfield / Jacob's ladder / Mam Tor loop again as I enjoyed it last time.

It seemed harder work today. I don't know if it was the wet ground, the fact I hadn't eaten, or that I had had a poor nights sleep but I just didn't seem to have the energy. It was a nice day though. The sun was out but there was a cold breeze which you noticed more on the downhill sections.

I managed to complete the Jacob's ladder descent this time without needing to dismount although didn't feel confident enough to take it as fast in the wet. This was partly due to me leaving it a bit too long in replacing the brake pads on my front brake which as a result means they are lacking a bit of stopping power. I have some new brake pads on order though as well as a new tyre which should hopefully be better in the mud.

I preferred the second half more this time around, there weren't as many ramblers in the way and I managed to pick up a bit more speed on some of the singletrack. The views weren't as good over Hope Valley though due to a mist over the valley


I was quite tired by the time I got back to my car and was glad to get changed and get the car's heating going!

Although it was still enjoyable, I will be glad when summer comes around again!

 More Photos-

Jacob's Ladder - Round 2

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